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· 8 min read

log image

Log Exploration from the Command Line

One of the most useful skills a developer or system administrator can master is the command line. It is a powerful productivity accelerator and the instantaneous feedback loop of crafting a beautiful command that does exactly what you need is addictive. Command line skills are absolutely necessary to reach your full potential as a technologist, even if you mainly end up working in front-end or business intelligence.

· 6 min read

OTEL Card Image

What is Open Telemetry and How can it Help Me?

If you work in the field for any substantial amount of time, you most likely have asked yourself the question "How do I know what is going on with my applications at any given time?". If you are lucky, then this question is coming up as a proactive topic as you get ready to deploy something. If you are unlucky, you may be asking this question after you have an outage or SLA breach. If you have ever asked this question before, then Open Telemetry can probably help you.